Nov 13, 2022 | Historical Christmas Stories, History
The Junior Chamber of Commerce in Dawson Creek started in 1946. Their first big project was the Mile Zero Post. In 1947 this organization put up a decorated Christmas tree at the Mile Zero Post location. The tradition was carried on, sometimes by other organizations...
Nov 13, 2022 | Historical Christmas Stories, History
Christmas Day 1930 Left to Right: Wes Gething, ? Paulson, Vic Peck, King Gething as Santa Clause, Guy Robison, Andy Russell (Hudson’s Bay Factor), Mr. Hansen, Ann Johnson, Bert Gregory, Ted Boyton, Jack Pennington, Andy Lindburg, Matt Boe. It was a custom on Christmas...
Nov 13, 2022 | Historical Christmas Stories, History
Hudson’s Hope Christmas Concert 1945. Twelve school students standing outside in the snow. >>>> Can you name any of the students?
Dec 3, 2021 | Historical Christmas Stories
Our Christmas Concert [Charlie Lake School 1948] By Jacqueline Robinson Grade 6 We had a concert in the Junior room in the evening of December “17”. A very large crowd attended, so large that many could not get in. I was in a play called “A Good Impression....
Nov 15, 2020 | Historical Christmas Stories
By Mabel Lillian Harper Our first Christmas in Pouce Coupe was spent at the homestead, one mile from the present Kilkerran Hall. Pouce Coupe at that time was not just the village — rather the whole country was called the Pouce Coupe Prairie, with as yet no villages at...
Nov 2, 2020 | Historical Christmas Stories, History
Introducing… Monica! Monica Storrs came to the Peace River Block in 1929 to serve as an Anglican missionary. She worked with other female missionaries, known as Companions, as well as lay brothers and ordained priests. Monica visited the lonely; started Sunday...
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