Oct 29, 2023 | Historical Christmas Stories, History
December 29th, 1965 Well we are getting pretty far down on the shank of another year. The older you get, the faster they fly. We are spending the Christmas Holiday at Tuchodi. What a place to relax, get some rest and get a little writing done. No telephone, no T.V....
Oct 29, 2023 | Historical Christmas Stories, History
Read original on Calverley.ca Transcript from a taped interview The Christmas and New Year seasons are upon us once more. It seems to me that they must have changed the schedule and are holding the celebrations at least every six months! Or could it just be that as we...
Oct 29, 2023 | Historical Christmas Stories, History
Audio here at Calverley.ca The story I would like to tell happened long ago, when I was one of the Smathers kids living at Baytree in the East Pouce Coupe district. The heroes of my story were Jim and Sid Robertson. Now, first to get the theme of the story. Try to...
Nov 15, 2020 | Historical Christmas Stories
By Mabel Lillian Harper Our first Christmas in Pouce Coupe was spent at the homestead, one mile from the present Kilkerran Hall. Pouce Coupe at that time was not just the village — rather the whole country was called the Pouce Coupe Prairie, with as yet no villages at...
Nov 2, 2020 | Historical Christmas Stories, History
Introducing… Monica! Monica Storrs came to the Peace River Block in 1929 to serve as an Anglican missionary. She worked with other female missionaries, known as Companions, as well as lay brothers and ordained priests. Monica visited the lonely; started Sunday...
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