Cute Bear Ornament


  1. Cut a bear head shape out of cardboard.
  2. Cut a long piece of twine (about 2-3 metres).
  3. Secure the twine to the back of the bear’s head with tape.
  4. Wrap twine around the bear’s head until most of the head is covered. Tape the other end of the twine to the back of the bear’s head.
  5. Glue on a pair of googly eyes and a button or pom pom nose.
  6. Use a small piece of twine to make a loop for hanging on your Christmas tree (thread this piece through some wrapped twine on the back of the bear’s head before tying a knot).


  • Cardboard
  • Twine
  • Tape / Glue
  • Googly Eyes
  • Buttons / Cotton Pompoms
  • Scissors
Submitted by:
Fort St. John North Peace Museum

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