Cute Bear Ornament

- Cut a bear head shape out of cardboard.
- Cut a long piece of twine (about 2-3 metres).
- Secure the twine to the back of the bear’s head with tape.
- Wrap twine around the bear’s head until most of the head is covered. Tape the other end of the twine to the back of the bear’s head.
- Glue on a pair of googly eyes and a button or pom pom nose.
- Use a small piece of twine to make a loop for hanging on your Christmas tree (thread this piece through some wrapped twine on the back of the bear’s head before tying a knot).
- Cardboard
- Twine
- Tape / Glue
- Googly Eyes
- Buttons / Cotton Pompoms
- Scissors
Fort St. John North Peace Museum
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